A bad workman always blames his tool. キーワードは”tools”(下手な職人はいつも道具のせいにする:弘法は筆を選ばず)A drowning man will catch at a straw. (溺れる者は藁をもつかむ)A little learning is a dangerous thing.(生兵法は大けがの元)Even a worm will turn.(一寸の虫にも五分の魂)Let sleeping dogs lie.(寝た子を起こすな)No news is a good news.(便りがないのがよい便り)One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.(ある者にとってはガラクタでもある者にとっては宝)Opportunity seldom knocks twice. (チャンスは一度)Spare the rod,and spoil the child.(可愛い子には旅をさせよ)Talk of the devil, and he will appear.(噂をすれば影) The early bird catches the worm.(早起きは三文の徳)The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot.(紺屋の白袴)There are tricks in every trade. (餅は餅屋)There is no royal road to learning.(学問に王道なし)Two heads are better than one.(三人寄れば文殊の知恵)Where there’s a will, there’s a way.(為せば成る)前置詞☆アクション・チャンツ
次回3月2日はいよいよトーナメント戦です! Thank you! See you next time~♪ 【ワークショップのお知らせ】